Reflexology is a complementary therapy, which involves giving massage in a particular way to certain ‘reflex areas’ found on the feet and hands. These ‘reflex areas’ correspond to all parts of body and form a map of the whole body on the feet.
By massaging these areas, reflexologists believe it is possible to treat the symptoms and causes of conditions and therefore restore balance to the mind and body.
Reflexology aims to aid the free flow of energy around the body, promoting a healthy and balanced state. It is also deeply relaxing and calming which supports the body to heal and revitalise itself.
It does not claim ‘to cure’ or diagnose conditions. But it is a treatment known to help many ailments, increase well-being, and relieve stress and most people with feel a benefit afterwards.

History of Reflexology
Reflexology dates back many thousands of years and was used in a similar way by the Egyptians and Chinese.
In recent times, the therapy was primarily described by Dr William Fitzgerald around 1913.
Dr Fitzgerald developed’ Zone Therapy’ and divided the body into ten longitudinal zones. An American lady named Eunice Ingham then went on further to discover that the whole body could be treated by applying pressure to these zones on the feet and hands and went on to describe reflexology in the modern form we use today.
Reflexology was introduced into Great Britain in the 1960’s by Doreen Bayly, a student of Eunice Ingham who taught and instructed many of the early practitioners. The Bayly School of Reflexology was set up and established.